HungryFrog(tm) Buggles v1.0 - PalmOS Freeware - - - - - Help your frog save his pond! BUTTONS: => Far left and far right buttons move your frog. => Inner left and right buttons make your frog blurp bubbles. => Start a new game with the down button. => Pause a game in progress with the up button. HOW TO PLAY: => Bugs lay poison eggs which pollute your frog pond. Eggs which fall in the pond pollute it, and you lose points. An egg which falls right over your frog hurts him! => Bubbles can stop both eggs and bugs, so be sure to blurp a lot of bubbles! Zap most of the bugs and eggs for a level, and you win a life-up. => You also get a new life-up every 10,000 points. => Play for the High Score! GAME PLAY SETTINGS: => Start Level Option: Choose if you want to start new games at low, middle or high game levels. => Frog Type Option: You can change this setting at any time during the game, and it will take effect at once. Choose a frog with a thick skin who stands pollution well. Choose a frog who moves fast. Choose a frog whose bubbles have extra power. SPECIAL BONUSES: => Life-ups are given every 10,000 points and for extra good work clearing a level. To grab a life-up and give your frog an extra life, just hop your frog over the life-up icon which appears with him in the pond. =>A Super Bubble 'B' marker will appear in the upper right when you have temporary super bubbles from a power-up or life-up. =>A Thick Skin 'T' marker will appear in the upper right when you have temporary thick skin from a power-up or life-up. =>'B' and 'T' markers blink as the effect wears off. PROBLEMS: If you have any problems, please let us know. => eMail: => web: HungryFrog is a trademark of LLC